Book 2 Arrives in 7 days!

Book 2’s Countdown!

Dear Friend, How long a wait it has been for me, but now I may finally announce the news that The Heir’s release is ONE week from today! Let Book 2’s countdown begin! Hooray! A deep, heartfelt thank you! You have been so faithful to share with me your love and excitement for the beginning…

official book 2 description!

Official book 2 description!

Dear Friend, Here’s the official Book 2 Description! Per usual, I’m super excited to share this detail with you! It’s always a treat to share the official back-of-the-book description, and this time isn’t any different! Scroll down to see the whole summary of Book 2-The Heir! *Please note: I added the purple flourishes in the…


LCCN for The Heir

Dear Friend, You may be asking yourself, what is the significance of the writer posting something so insanely boring, as an LCCN for The Heir? Because, dear friend, for the writer, these four letters–LCCN– are something extraordinarily exciting! You ask me now, what does this acronym stand for? So, I shall tell you. It stands…