Random Story Facts Part 3-Murron!
Random Story Facts Part 3-Murron!
Random Story Facts Part 3-Murron!
Dear Friend, I am eager to share with you a Great Homeschool Convention-2024-update! I was so grateful for the opportunity to attend as a vendor again this year! And I was so incredibly fortunate as to meet a whole slew of amazing readers and their families, as well as to have the privilege and pleasure…
Dear Friend, Welcome to the Great Homeschool Convention-2024! Another exciting year is upon us, and I’m thrilled to have the opportunity to share The Lost King’s Daughter with new and veteran readers alike! When will you arrive? I’ll be driving in to Cincinnati, Ohio, earlier in the day tomorrow in order to prepare for the…
Dear Friend, Whew! It’s been a bit since I’ve updated you regarding Book 2’s Publishing Process! I hold my breath each time I think of publishing The Heir, if only for the fact that I feel like it’ll never come together! And yet, it is coming together…fairly swimmingly! That’s all thanks to your prayers! I’ve…
Dear Friend, Here is Random Story Facts-Part 3-Intro plus Tirell’s eye color! I’m so excited to share this particular segment with you because, for me, it’s so fun! I love the reminder of why I created my story the way I did, and I love the fact that so many amazing things in life contributed…
Dear Friend, As promised, here is another Book 2 update on The Heir! I am pleased to say that I was able to gather together all my files and ship my manuscript off (electronically) to the formatter’s for formatting a little over a week ago! And they were very busy! How do I know? Because…
Dear Friend, This is it! Copyright registration for The Heir has officially happened, and I couldn’t be more ecstatic! (I know, I’m using this word a lot, but it just fits!!). Such a nerve-wracking process, and yet, now that this is my second time wading through the terrors of copyright registration, I can finally, completely…
Dear Friend, You may be asking yourself, what is the significance of the writer posting something so insanely boring, as an LCCN for The Heir? Because, dear friend, for the writer, these four letters–LCCN– are something extraordinarily exciting! You ask me now, what does this acronym stand for? So, I shall tell you. It stands…
Dear Friend, Welcome to Random Story Facts-Part 2-Names! This Random Story Facts segment is still for The Lost King’s Daughter, Book 1 of my YA medieval Christian fantasy series, In the Shadow of Emerald Fire! And, as I mentioned, this one is all about Names! How long ago I chose them. Why I chose them….
Dear Friend, Here’s what you’ve (hopefully) been waiting for a long time! I know I have! Book 2-The Heir-Cover reveal! Who did it? Damonza has done it again!!! How amazing is this book cover?! This was everything I really envisioned without realizing it. I know I shared with you before that both covers Damonza created…