LCCN for The Heir

Dear Friend, You may be asking yourself, what is the significance of the writer posting something so insanely boring, as an LCCN for The Heir? Because, dear friend, for the writer, these four letters–LCCN– are something extraordinarily exciting! You ask me now, what does this acronym stand for? So, I shall tell you. It stands…

Book 2 Title Reveal!

Book 2’s Title Reveal!

Dear Friend, Here is what I have been waiting a long while to share with you! Book 2’s title reveal! What are your initial thoughts? Feelings? Do you feel like it encompasses the continuation of Finockt’s story? Or at least what you may be anticipating is the continuation of her story? It’s funny how simple…

Book 2 title reveal coming soon

Coming Soon!

Dear Friend, As promised, here’s my news! Book 2’s title reveal is coming soon! Very soon! I hope this isn’t anti-climatic for you, but I’m super excited that Book 2 will finally have a title, so that we no longer have to keep calling Book 2…Book 2! Although, in truth, I may yet refer to…

Dear Friend wintery photo

Dear Friend…

Dear Friend, For indeed you are so, if you are here, reading this entry. Perhaps it sounds archaic in this day and age to read an entry with a salutation of “Dear Friend,” but in a world so fast decaying by every corruptible standard that exists or could exist, I feel it necessary to provide…

Book 2 updates

Book 2 Update!

Book 2 Update! Okay, I’m just gonna be honest and say that I chose this photo because “Finockt’s” pose is how I feel emotionally while I’m writing you this. What do I mean by that? I feel free. Free! Wow. What a neat feeling. It doesn’t come around that often…at least like it should. Freedom…

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year! 2024 is here!!! Can’t believe it! Where has this last year gone? I seriously feel like it flew by so fast! Normally, I’m lamenting the passing of another year, but today, I feel hopeful and eager to see what 2024 will bring! I hope you feel the same way! And I hope…