Realm Maker’s Award News!

Dear Friend,
Here it is! The Realm Maker’s Award News!
This is terrible, but I actually can’t remember whether I shared with you the fact that I entered the Realm Maker’s Award competition way back in January of this year! But I did!
What is the Realm Maker’s Award?
As I shared in an earlier post, Realm Maker’s is a Christian author/reader community where friendly competitions are available to participate in. It’s also where you can find the latest Christian fantasy/fiction books available! (Or, if you sign up for their newsletter here, they’ll just send it to your inbox!)
To clarify, The Realm Maker’s Award is a separate competition from the Realm Maker’s Reader’s Choice Award I shared with you the other day! That post was an award competition just for you, the reader! Whereas in this competition, authors can submit their own books for several different categories and see how far their book goes!
Which book did you enter For the Realm Awards?
I entered The Lost King’s Daughter and submitted my first book for the following categories: Debut, Fantasy, Young Adult, and Cover Art! Happily, The Lost King’s Daughter’s Cover Art made the Realm Maker’s Long List back in March! Yay!
I would be remiss if I wasn’t honest with you, though, and shared that initially, I was quite disappointed Finockt’s story didn’t place in any of the content categories. In part, I think this may have been secondary to the fact that I never dreamed it would place for Cover Art! Thus, I had all my expectations set on the written categories and anticipated that if I placed for anything, it would be there! Once I got over the shock of finding everything reversed, I was very grateful for the category in which it did place. And now I can say, without reservation, I’m super excited it made the Long List for Cover Art! That was an accomplishment in and of itself. And I’m even more ecstatic that it has now made the Finalists’ list! Hooray!
What happens next?
The next step in the competition is announcing the Winner! This happens in July! So, only a couple months left before we find out the results! I’m on pins and needles already!
A special thanks!
I haven’t found out yet if The Lost King’s Daughter made the list for the Reader’s Choice Award! That closed only yesterday, but even if it didn’t, I wanted to say thank you for your consideration in nominating Book 1 for this special Realm Maker’s Award. And more than this, I wanted to tell you that I’m just very grateful that you’re here, as my friend, and I can share all these personal things with you without worrying about how it will be taken or how you’ll view me for sharing it. Thank you for that confidence!
So, what do you think?
Did this Realm Maker’s Award News surprise you? Are you excited to see how far The Lost King’s Daughter’s Cover Art will go? I hope you are! You’ll have to let me know!
Next time…
Next time I post, I’m delighted to say it will be to share what you enabled Finockt’s continuing story to accomplish! This is super exciting news! I hope you’re as blown away as I’ve been!
Before I close, do you want to know how to start the adventure?
You can check out my first book here on my website, or you can purchase Book 1-The Lost King’s Daughter and/or Book 2-The Heir on Amazon by going here for Book 1 and here for Book 2! You can also pick up Book 1 (Book 2 coming soon!) on my website store! I hope you enjoy meeting Finockt and following her on her journey! 🙂
Until next time…I’ll look forward to visiting again with you very soon! And as always, thank you for spending part of your day or evening with me! God bless xoxo