Random Story Facts Part 3-Murron!

Dear Friend,
It’s finally here! Random Story Facts Part 3-Murron!
It’s been a bit longer than I anticipated since I last introduced one of my random story facts related to The Lost King’s Daughter! So, I am excited to share with you a few facts regarding Murron!
I confess, this random story fact is one of my favorites! There’s so much regarding Murron’s character that I love. Her sweetness, her gentleness, her authenticity, and her simplicity, to name a few. She’s such a great friend in terms of quality, loyalty, and sincerity.
The foundation of her character is rooted in a lot of good memories I pulled from childhood, but since I don’t want to spoil your exploration of the random story facts regarding Murron’s character in The Lost King’s Daughter, I’ll close here and give you a chance to peruse the random facts below for yourself!
Hope you enjoy!

What did you think?
Did it surprise you how Murron’s character came about? Did you find it interesting that some of my childhood memories inserted themselves into The Lost King’s Daughter? Do you have an aunt who you particularly love and who brings fond memories to mind when you think on her? Let me know!
What’s next?
Keep an eye out for the continuation of Random Story Facts Part 3! To whet your appetite, the next one is Finockt’s red hair! Have you an inkling into why I chose red hair for Finockt? It may not be what you think! Come visit with me again to see if you’re right! Can’t wait to reconnect with you soon!
want to join the adventure?
Meet Murron in Book 1-The Lost King’s Daughter! You can find the paperback here on Amazon, or you can purchase it on my website here! Or if you enjoy ebooks, check it out here on Amazon! You may also read it for free, if you live locally! Find it at the Dayton Metro Library and its sister libraries, or at the New Carlisle Public Library (which also services Troy and Tipp City areas!).
Book 2!
Book 2-The Heir-is coming! Preorder the ebook here on Amazon, if you wish! Or wait for the paperback version coming May 1st! Yay!
Until next time…may the love and light of our Savior scatter the darkness in your life and give you peace! God bless xoxo