Library News!

Dear Friend,
Library News! Hooray!
So excited to share this! Dayton Metro Public Library has exceeded my expectations again! If you live local, you can find The Lost King’s Daughter AND The Heir there!
I’m also loving the fact that I get to see the fantasy emblem (a unicorn!) on the spine of my book!

So fun! It’s kinda hard to believe this is all actually happening! I love that I can check out my own book at my own library!
If you’re interested in reading my book for free, head over to Dayton Metro Library and reserve your copy today! Click here for Book 1 and here for Book 2!
Hope you enjoy!
Want to see my book in your library?
Ask your librarian to carry my books! Finockt is anxious to meet you and have you join her on her quest! Another friend along for the journey makes the harrowing adventures she faces a little less intimidating.
Want my books for your own personal library?
Find them on Amazon or my store! And keep the adventure alive for all time!
I hope you enjoyed this Library News segment and are looking forward to the third and final installment of my YA medieval Christian fantasy series, In the Shadow of Emerald Fire! Learn more about the series by starting with Book 1 or get a little synopsis of what my books are all about on this page.
Until next time…your newest adventure awaits! God bless xoxo