Book 2’s Title Reveal!

Dear Friend,

Here is what I have been waiting a long while to share with you! Book 2’s title reveal!

What are your initial thoughts? Feelings? Do you feel like it encompasses the continuation of Finockt’s story? Or at least what you may be anticipating is the continuation of her story?

It’s funny how simple and straightforward a title can be, and how well it can embody what the author is trying to convey. Rest assured, when you see the cover art that goes along with Book 2, I feel like you will appreciate the title even more. I know this was what resonated most profoundly with me.

Initially, I felt like my title was too simple, and yet after my cover designer wove together the very scene I didn’t even know I had envisioned, I was stunned! It all came together, and I honestly have to say, I love it! The color palette is what really drew me in and made everything exactly what I’d hoped it to be.

That being said, I literally can’t wait to share the cover art with you! Come back and visit with me on Wednesday, February 14th, 2024, (so appropriate!) for the Cover Reveal!

Until next time, my dear friend, thank you so much for spending part of your evening with me, and I hope you have a wonderful day or night wherever you may be! God bless.

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