Book 2 Cover update!

Book 2 Cover update!

Book 2 Cover update!

I didn’t intend on posting an update regarding Book 2’s cover this quickly, but I found I couldn’t help myself! So here are my thoughts on the subject! : )

What’s been happening…

At the risk of repeating myself a little, I decided to just drop you a line today and let you know that, as of the last few days of November, my ebook cover art is officially complete! I gave the okay to continue on to the paperback cover art about 2 weeks ago. But, alas, since I haven’t quite finished my edits for Book 2, I had to postpone advancing to my paperback cover art because my designer needed my final page count for Book 2 before they could proceed (aka they need to know how thick my book is going to be so they can set the appropriate dimensions for the spine!).

What does this mean?

No worries! This little delay actually works out really well because I can now focus on finalizing Book 2 and getting all the nitty gritty details done! It gives me a little extra time since the company my covers are designed with shut down for Christmas and New Year’s and don’t resume business until about early-mid January. So, thankfully, I’ve got time to buckle down and get some additional editing done before Christmas and the New Year turns!

What my sister said…

Before I close, I did want to share this with you…A couple of days ago, I showed my younger sister my Book 2 cover reveal, and she loved it! She doesn’t say a whole lot about things, so I was very happy indeed when she showed a whole lot of enthusiasm over the cover art, colors, and even Book 2’s title! She said everything about it was intriguing! Especially the title! I was stoked!

What’s next…

I’m excited to share with you Book 2’s title come January! I hope you love it. Although, personally, I think you’ll enjoy the title more when you see the actual cover art. It’s just so beautiful pieced altogether!

I’ll be posting a quick Book 2 update shortly so you can read what I’m up to for that! It’s been a long haul. Whew! But it is worth it, I think. I’m hoping you think the same!

Until next time…hoping you are loving these crisper days where you can snuggle under a blanket and settle down with a brand new book! God bless, and talk to you soon!

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