June 2023–My first Author website!

My first author website image

June 2023–My first author website!

This was beyond definitely a first for me! I have to admit I was extremely reluctant to join in such an adventure. (Ironic seeing as I only ever write about them! haha). My reluctance to join in this adventure, however, wasn’t because I don’t find author websites interesting or intriguing (I totally do!), but the idea of it only seemed more interesting and intriguing and captivating…if it wasn’t me!

My apprehension and anxiety

Once I’d made the decision that I did, in fact, need my own author website, I was really concerned about how I would go about setting one up. Everything I’d researched indicated that you have to have some pretty good tech skills in order to create a website that fully invites the reader into the author’s world of books, writing, editing, cover reveals, etc. To say the least, I was flummoxed…and vastly overwhelmed. The task at hand seemed so daunting, I just wanted to curl up in bed and throw the covers over my head. Yea, and that’s something I never do!

my advancement in thought and mind

That’s when God intervened. Pulling the covers up over my head was no longer an option. A friend of mine suggested enlisting Erin Ulrich’s help with my website development and establishment. Also known as…have her do it! I looked into her, and I instantly fell in love with her professionalism as well as the clean, crisp, orderly quality of her own website. It was tastefully designed and very feminine, and honestly, it was beautiful. I was smitten. The next step should be easy, right? Wrong.

my inner dialogue

My next thought was: “Can I do this? Can I afford her?” My immediate answer was: “No.” Only because I was literally just starting out. But, in the end, everything fell into place so impeccably well, I could no longer convince myself I could not do this! So, I scraped together some savings and decided engaging Erin’s website development services via her VIP days would be worth every penny. God did the rest! I chose from Erin’s available VIP days, and the spots she had open perfectly coincided with my previously requested days off from work! What a blessing! While I did have a little hiccup with internet availability on my end, Erin was totally accommodating, we worked through it, and she still got my website up and running within our scheduled timeframe!! She is definitely worth every cent! I love my website!! She captured exactly everything I’d hoped for, and the details she chose blew me away. I described what I wanted, and she totally delivered!

my results

When I visit my own site every now and again, I still love how it draws me in. There’s just enough depth to the dark forest to incite the mystery and suspense for which I long, and yet I love the pleasant, soothing contrast found in the rich, lush details of the “brighter” scenes in both the Books and About sections. The water scenes were an instant love! There’s nothing more calming and enjoyable than listening to and watching water flow over rocks. When I see these pictures, I totally envision the water freely flowing, despite it being completely frozen in time, and I hear its calming melody, despite the silence. Immediately, my nerves settle, and I feel free.

my conclusion

I hope my website speaks to you in much the same way it speaks to me. Or perhaps it speaks to you more profoundly, which would please me even more! Whatever the case, I do hope you find your visits here peaceful and fulfilling, as well as entertaining.

If you’re a writer and interested in creating and establishing your own author website, I highly recommend Erin Ulrich. Believe me, you won’t be disappointed!

Until next time, dear friends, I hope you enjoy perusing my site and learning all there is to know about The Lost King’s Daughter! I’m looking forward to posting a Book 2 update soon. Until then, take care, and I am wishing you many happy hours of page turning!

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