Dear Friend…

Dear Friend wintery photo

Dear Friend,

For indeed you are so, if you are here, reading this entry. Perhaps it sounds archaic in this day and age to read an entry with a salutation of “Dear Friend,” but in a world so fast decaying by every corruptible standard that exists or could exist, I feel it necessary to provide a secret place–an oasis–for the kindred spirit who is seeking the same as I: the solitude and reprieve from a chaotic world that cannot be found elsewhere.

For, alas, to my own dismay, I find it increasingly difficult to meet with another human being who feels the increasing oppression of this world as keenly as do I! And yet, as I so impressed upon you at the beginning of this missive, if you, dear friend, are here, then it must be that you desire the same as I: a friend. Solace. And rest. I hope that amongst these oftentimes random entries I share with you, you find these exact sentiments, and that you may find the restful moment you so seek and then leave refreshed by the knowledge that you are not alone in this present world.

In truth, I am exceedingly grateful for the handful of kindred spirits I already know by name with whom I am able to meet and speak with in my own corner of the world. They are truly a light shining in the ever-increasing darkness, and I greatly value their friendship; it grows more precious every year.

And so I hope this is the case with you, dear friend, wherever you may be. That you have found kindred spirits of your own with whom you may converse and share the joys and travails of this life. But if the opposite is true, and you are yet struggling to find that kindred spirit within your sphere of this world in which we both live, I hope and pray that you may discover it here instead, along with a sincerity of heart and mind that perhaps you cannot find elsewhere; and most importantly, I hope you discover a light amongst the pages of darkness.

It was my intention when I set out to write The Lost King’s Daughter, that its voice and song would harken you back to the old-world style of storytelling, where beauty was found in words as much as it was found in the weaving of the story itself. I pray this same beauty is what you find when you come to visit this website or when you sit and (hopefully) lose yourself in the pages of Finockt’s story. It is my hope that Finockt and all the men and women found within the pages of The Lost King’s Daughter and its subsequent volumes may become your friends, of sorts. Men and women in whom you find virtue and character of such high standing that you yourself want to emulate them, or, at the very least, find yourself inspired by them, both spiritually and morally. Or perhaps you may find a character so repulsive, you strive to eliminate any such traits from your own sweet life. For within each character of every book there is yet something to learn, something to emulate, and something to eliminate in ourselves, or so I believe. (Without a doubt, we are complicated creatures in need of constant pruning and grafting and remaking until we become everything God intended us to be).

My concluding prayer is that The Lost King’s Daughter will reach everyone God intended it to reach, long before I ever believed it possible Finockt would become real for you. If you are still reading this missive, then you are that answer to my prayer, and you are here for a reason beyond you or me. It was how God intended it, and that is the most beautiful gift of all.

I truly hope you will be transported through the pages of The Lost King’s Daughter, as so many of you have already said that you have been: lost amidst the very adventure of Finockt and the quest she is thrown into. But I also hope that her story inspires a good deal of solace and reprieve from whatever anxieties you may be facing in this current moment, as this is the theme of my missive to you. It has been a long road of learning for myself, dear friend, but I shall tell you that it is possible to train your mind to refrain from dwelling on the anxieties of this world, should you choose to focus on Christ Himself and should you choose to deliver into His hands, willingly and freely, the burdens of this world and all the things you cannot change, though you may wish to change them with everything in you. This submission to Christ and refusal to entertain the anxieties and worries of this life is a daily prayer and commitment that, once made, eases the stress of this passing world and lightens the load of every hour of each day God gives you the miracle of experiencing. The Scripture does not lie. Christ is real, as are His words, “Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.” (Matthew 11:28-30).

So, I will leave in your hands this inspiration that God, in His grace, allowed me to see and understand: that life, though its hardships do not cease and the rendering to God of all burdens must be oft repeated, is still beautiful if you look upon it with a perspective from Above, and that you, dear friend, can conquer whatever life delivers unto you, as long as you dwell in the shadow of His wings.

Thank you for indulging me in this random entry from the heart, which reminds me of a quote from one of my favorite characters from Sense and Sensibility…thus, in the words of Mr. Edward Ferris (BBC movie version), “I’m prone to these [melancholy] moods from time to time…”

Until next time, my dear friend…I pray you found, this day, the solace and reprieve you are so seeking and a friendship you never thought possible. God bless you and keep you, and may His face shine upon you as you seek Him and the comfort that unfolds in the shadow of His wings.

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