Book 2 update on The Heir!

Dear Friend,
As promised, here is another Book 2 update on The Heir!
I am pleased to say that I was able to gather together all my files and ship my manuscript off (electronically) to the formatter’s for formatting a little over a week ago! And they were very busy! How do I know? Because typically my formatter gets everything back to me in about 24 hours. This time, it took just shy of one full week!
How does it work?
Once I sent my Word docx files to my formatter, they then set to work literally formatting it into both ebook and paperback formats to fit the criteria required of each platform I upload my book to.
was this go-around easier?
Actually, yes! I already knew what I wanted in the book, so I just sent along my requests for formatting, which included drop cap specifications, font size, font style, symbols, and scene break vector symbols. This latter detail I knew I wanted to change up a little from Book 1, The Lost King’s Daughter, because Book 2, The Heir, takes place in a much different setting. Plus, I knew I just wanted something small to signify that the reader was reading the sequel in the series!
Was it hard to find the right vector?
It wasn’t hard to choose the vector symbol I wanted, but it was difficult to find the one that fit Book 2 the best! For the first round, I left the choosing of the symbol up to the formatter, but then I ended up not feeling like the vector symbol fully represented the overarching theme and sentiments contained in Book 2. So, I found one myself, sent this one to the formatter, and then realized after further contemplation, that perhaps I should Google another. This worked swimmingly, and I was able to find the absolute perfect vector symbol in barely a glance! Now my dilemma was: am I too late to get them to change it before they send me the corrected draft? No! Made it! By God’s grace! The project manager gave the green light and sent me the updated draft. It was perfect! Everything I imagined and more! I hope you end up loving it, too!
What’s next?
Right now, I’m just awaiting receipt of the paperback drafts of my cover art! I can’t wait to see what they do with the back cover! Like I mentioned in an earlier post, I believe the back cover art/typesetting can be just as beautiful as the front! In a different way, of course!
I’ll let you know as more developments come in, and progress continues!
Concluding thoughts
I hope you enjoyed this little Book 2 update on The Heir! I still don’t have a definitive date on when The Heir will actually be published, as this all really depends on how quickly I can approve the paperback covers. Once those are squared away, then I’ll have the freedom and ability to finalize all the files and then upload them to the different platforms I share my books from! I’m really hoping if things move quickly, I’ll have it ready to release come April! We’ll see! I appreciate your prayers, as without them, things wouldn’t be running half so smoothly! Thank you so much! 🙂
Not familiar with my YA medieval Christian fantasy series, In the Shadow of Emerald Fire? Sign up for my newsletter on the home page of my website and get the first 7 chapters of Book 1 for free, or start reading The Lost King’s Daughter now, so you can get caught up on where Finockt is headed next! Available at Amazon in ebook or paperback format, or check out my website store for a paperback version!
Until next time…may God’s blessings abound this week in ways you cannot even begin to imagine! God bless xoxo