August 2023–Dayton metro library!

August 2023–Dayton Metro Library!
This was an ultra-exciting achievement that God allowed! When I contacted Dayton Metro Library, I was hopeful they might be interested in my debut novel, however, I didn’t really believe they would request a purchase of it for their main library and several of its sister branches, particularly, since I’m an independently published local author–and a totally unknown indie author at that. But they did! And I’m so grateful!
The hope
My initial hope Dayton Metro Library might be interested in The Lost King’s Daughter stemmed from the consistency of their eclectic and broad selection of books they carried all the years I was growing up, and that they still carry today. But why would knowing this make me think that Dayton Metro might somehow even possibly take a chance on me? Honestly, just a gut feeling. They seemed like a library that was generous and kind (evidenced by their librarians!) and always looking for good literature, no matter who wrote it and how well-known, or obscure, the author was. This, coupled with the fact that, while growing up, I always immediately went to Dayton Metro when I couldn’t find a book I really wanted anywhere else, made me think maybe, just maybe, they’d be interested in supporting a local, independent, debut, YA novelist. Did they ever!

The result
I was absolutely thrilled when I saw The Lost King’s Daughter was available for patrons to borrow at 5 different Dayton Metro library branches! FIVE!!! I was even more thrilled when I saw that a patron had checked out my book! (If you are that person who checked out and read my book, I sincerely hope you thoroughly enjoyed it!). I was also literally “tickled pink,” as they say, to see my author name seated above the fantasy symbol on the spine of my book!!! (See below). I’m still walking on air!

The conclusion
In closing, if anyone from the Dayton Metro Library is reading this blog post, I’d again like to extend my gratitude for your generosity in supporting me, a local indie author. As I mentioned in the Wabash Carnegie Public Library blog post, it was my dream to see The Lost King’s Daughter in libraries. Alongside Wabash Carnegie Public Library, Dayton Metro made that dream come true. Their enthusiasm and cheerful support were a Godsend and such an encouragement as a fledgling author. I hope and pray that many of their patrons continue to check out and enjoy The Lost King’s Daughter, and that those readers are now eagerly awaiting Book 2!

Until next time…I hope you visit your local library and tell them how much you appreciate their support of local authors! You’ll have my additional gratitude and thanks for doing this as well! And here’s to hoping The Lost King’s Daughter meets the shelves of many more libraries in future!