Character Art for Finockt

Dear Friend,
What do you think of this Character Art for Finockt?
I’ve wanted for a very, very long time to have some sort of character art for my books, and now, with a little help from Canva, I was able to generate a fairly lifelike image of Finockt!
But what do you think? Do you think it represents her well?
My first impressions…
At first, I wasn’t sure if I liked this rendition of Finockt. I typically steer away from having a full-on visual of my main character’s face. I much prefer to imagine how she might look in my head, rather than having a program construe its own artistic impression of her.
However, once I reviewed my options (and I had quite a few!), I decided that this one fit Finockt’s likeness amazingly well.
What did I like best about her?
I think I liked the sweetness of her face best. I perceived a youthful innocence in her features, and yet she also exuded a profound wariness.
Similarly, at the same time that she appeared cautious and uncertain, underneath it all, I felt there was an intense boldness glimmering in her eyes. I also sensed something else in her eyes and her face-a fiery spirit, one that was willing to go to any lengths to save those she loved and/or to fight for truth.
What do you think? Do you see the same things I do, or something different?
What else did I like about her?
I really liked the curly quality of her hair. I believe I described it in my book as being curlier than what is represented, but I felt this was a nice curly girl effort.
I also liked the softness of her eye color. It was subtle and calming somehow. I did ask Canva for dark eyes, but for some reason, it only knows how to generate blue. I’m good with that though. My editor said she forgot Finockt has dark eyes; she always imagines her with a light eye color when she’s editing my books. And again, I’m okay with that because honestly, that’s kinda how I imagine her, too. Shhh. Don’t tell Finockt.
I also felt the age range that was represented was pretty close to what I would have imagined her to be. Like 16 to 17. What do you think? Does she look this old or younger? or older?
And I really loved the overall polished finish to the artwork.
What are your overall impressions?
Are you a fan of this character art? Or did this spoil Finockt’s character for you? Would you prefer never seeing a character’s face? Did you find this fun? Were you excited to see it? What are your thoughts? I’d love to know.
If you like her well enough, I might start using her for Book 3 updates, instead of my previous red-haired companion…but I don’t want to hurt her feelings either, so…maybe not 😉
I hope you enjoyed this random post. I thought this would be a fun, unique way to share Finockt’s story with others, and that having a picture of her would make her adventure and her quest that much more exciting because I felt she was more relatable! I hope you feel the same way.
If you would like to see the whole blurb regarding the first bit of Book 1, head over to Instagram and see my post there in its entirety.
New to my books?
Check out why I write what I do here. Then check out Books 1&2 of my clean, YA medieval Christian fantasy book series by visiting here to see what Book 1 is about and here to see how the story continues in Book 2!
My books are available for purchase on my website store and on Amazon.
Up for the adventure? I’d love for you to join Finockt’s quest. She could always use another friend in her corner. 🙂
Until next time…God bless xoxo
P.S. If you live locally, borrow my books from Dayton Metro Library, or borrow Book 1 from New Carlisle Public Library, or borrow Book 1 from Wabash-Carnegie Public Library, if you live in northeastern Indiana. Enjoy! If you’d like my books in your hometown library, tell your librarian she can find them on Ingramspark!