Chapter 7-The Heir

Dear Friend,

Here’s another of my favorite passages from Chapter 7-The Heir!

Take a peek!

Why is this one of my favorite passages?

I think this is one of my favorite interactions between Coinneach and Finockt because of the deeper meaning behind their passionate conversation. Both are headstrong in their own right, and they often clash secondary to their varying perspectives on life. But which one’s viewpoint is right? Coinneach’s? Finockt’s? Both?

What’s the deeper meaning Behind the passage?

Whether you’re young or you’ve passed into adulthood, the struggle to be your own person is real. To have an identity independent of anyone you know or are related to. To be confident in it. On the heels of this, there’s also an intense desire to find your own purpose: the one thing God intended you to do for Him and for His glory. At some point in life, everyone experiences this dilemma. It’s a cross-roads that drives you to introspection, and it hits you at multiple different stages and ages. Peers can make you stop and reflect. Family, too. And you might even question who you are when you land that new job you’ve been dreaming of, only to discover your teammates aren’t exactly the dream team you’d hoped to work with.

This isn’t meant to be depressing! Rather, I’d hoped it would be a note of encouragement. That if you’re struggling with the same issue Finockt is, then there’s hope! And you’re not alone in your thoughts, struggles, reflections, or introspections!

I feel the same. What do I do now?

Remember your worth in God’s eyes and turn your eyes only on Him.

Knowing Christ is your Creator and Advocate grounds you in the reality of your true worth and personhood in the eyes of the Father, but there’s something more to be said about embracing who you are, not only as His child, but also how He’s uniquely made you. Learn to embrace the unique gifts, talents, and skills He’s given only to you. While these gifts, quirks, and one-of-a-kind personality traits might set you apart from others, don’t ever think that it makes you less desirable.

It’s always easy to follow the in-crowd. The hardest part? Standing out from the crowd. Being your own person and being okay with that. A lot of people aren’t. Don’t be afraid to march to a different drummer; your uniqueness is a beautiful thing. And honestly, most people are too afraid to be different, yet look at what Finockt accomplished by staying true to herself. She discovered the truth and furthered the quest!

So today, I want to encourage you to fully analyze who you are in Christ and list the qualities, talents, and gifts He’s given to you. Once you have that list made out, use those beautiful skills for His glory!

What else?

And definitely don’t be afraid to be who God meant you to be! Focus on who you are in Christ and take further stewardship of this by striving to be the exact person He desires you to be and by fulfilling the exact purposes He created you for-purposes fashioned for you even before you were born (Ephesians 2:10).

But what if I don’t know who I’m supposed to be?

Read God’s Word and pray!

James reminds us if we lack anything, ask it of the Father, and if it be within His will, He will give it to us. Do you lack wisdom? Discernment? Discretion? Knowledge? Understanding? Ask for it! Need a double dose of all these divine traits? Don’t be afraid to ask for an increase as well! God hears, listens, and He answers! Becoming more like His Son, Jesus Christ, is His desire for us and our ultimate goal in life.

Do you believe this?

Yes! I strongly believe once you know who you are in God’s eyes, you can 1) fully embrace who you are as an individual, 2) not compare yourself to anyone else, and, even more importantly, 3) fully and freely focus on ultimately carrying out God’s specially-designed purpose for you through being exactly who God created you to be! Having this perspective gives purpose, individuality, and a healthy sense of independence! It also gives you confidence, and that confidence encourages others to see you for you! The more confident you are in how God looks at you and the less you care about how others perceive you, the more enjoyment you will have in life. Why? Because Christ is your center, the world is passing away, you matter to the Lord, and by focusing on Him, you are already fulfilling everything you need to give Him glory; and giving God glory ultimately renews your purpose in life and brings joy!

What’s the conclusion?

Don’t dwell on what others think of you, and don’t worry about how they’ve pigeon-holed you into one category or another based on genetics, personality traits, gifts, talents, or skills. God is the only One who matters. Go to Him to discover your real worth and purpose. He already knows what He’s fashioned you for, and He’s given you exactly everything you need to accomplish it by being uniquely you! Don’t stand in His way. Let Him work, and watch the things you do ultimately bring glory to Him, which is our sole purpose in life anyways!

How about you?

Does Chapter 7-The Heir resonate with you? Do you feel the same as Finockt? Do you long for someone close to you to see you for how God made you and not who they believe you to be based on their own personal assumptions? How did you conquer this in your own life?

Want to read more about Finockt?

Jump into the action with Book 1-The Lost King’s Daughter, where you’ll meet Finockt and embark on her quest to discover her past and reconcile with a long-lost relative. Then dive into Book 2-The Heir and embroil yourself in the harrowing battle to crown the heir! Find my books at Amazon or at my store! Book 3 is currently in the editing process! Read this post to learn more!

Live local?

Check out Dayton Metro Library and the New Carlisle Public Library for my books! You may also find my first book at Wabash-Carnegie Public Library!

Until next time…may peace fill your day or night wherever you may be! God bless xoxo

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