Book 2 Update!

Book 2 Update!
Okay, I’m just gonna be honest and say that I chose this photo because “Finockt’s” pose is how I feel emotionally while I’m writing you this. What do I mean by that? I feel free. Free! Wow. What a neat feeling. It doesn’t come around that often…at least like it should. Freedom is something everyone takes for granted, I believe, myself probably most of all. But in these rare moments (that shouldn’t be rare), recognizing that I’m actually free is an amazing feeling!
And while there are all kinds of feelings associated with being free, I think the one I’m feeling right now is the euphoric freedom associated with accomplishment. The daunting task of editing this book is getting closer and closer to my end goal of: DONE! haha. I realize I’m running out of time, and that’s terrifying… and stressful. But, at the same time, I feel like it’ll all come together at the right time, in the right moment.
I am in the process of placing my third round of final corrections. Yes, third! Of final edits! Not regular edits. Or second edits. Or even third. But third final edits! That’s how it goes. Lots of edits and reediting and more editing and then “how did I miss that edits,” then “oh no, how did that happen” edits, and then finally, “I hope I got it all” edits because I’ve run out of time, and finally, “this is it!”
A veteran author once told me, you can go over and over a book, like a thousand times, and there’s still always something that could be done better or that you missed. His wife seconded that by sharing, even the best-trained editors in the field miss something, and that goes the same for proofreaders. Inevitably, there’s always some small thing that gets overlooked. I hope that’s not the case with Book 2, which is why I’m literally taking forever to finish these edits! I’m also very much hoping that you find Book 2 as inspiring and entertaining as Book 1! That means editing meticulously!
I’ll keep you posted on how things are going, so you’ll know how far I am in the process of completing this third round of final edits and how much closer I am to hitting publish! Eek! That word is SO exciting!! I do plan on revealing Book 2’s title soon, and following that a trailer! Unfortunately, you won’t be able to watch the trailer except on Instagram. This is only because I set it to music, and Instagram won’t let me download the music with my video because of copyright. SO, that being said, I’m hoping you’ll be able to watch it anyway through my website since my Instagram account is linked here!!!
Oooo, and I almost forgot! The cover reveal!! HOW could I forget that?! And I LOVE how I’m going to share my cover reveal! It’s not something I came up with on my own, but it is majorly cool! I already did a trial run, and everyone loved it! So, I’m super hopeful you’ll love it, too!
Now back to edits and corrections!
Until next time, dear friend…wishing you a peaceful and relaxing day or night wherever you may be! God bless, and whenever you think of me or The Lost King’s Daughter, I would be very grateful for your prayers as I continue finalizing Book 2. Thank you so much!