April 2023–Author news–Great homeschool Convention (GHC)

April 2023–Author News–The Great Homeschool Convention (GHC)
Welcome to the my first bit of Author News!
the venue
The Great Homeschool Convention (GHC) was the start of a whirlwind adventure! I had literally just hit publish on my very first book, The Lost King’s Daughter, exactly two weeks before attending the Great Homeschool Convention (GHC) in Cincinnati, Ohio, at the behest of my younger sister, Caitlin, and her good friend, Meredith.
stepping out in faith

To say the least, I was petrified! It took me a bit to strike up the courage to trust the Lord and step out in faith and see what God would do. I was unashamedly floored! Not only did I meet the best people there (vendors and readers alike!), I also saw God work through the convention to the point that I sold all the books I brought with me. Well…I didn’t sell them, God did! And I’m not saying that tritely. He seriously did! I couldn’t believe it! I still can’t believe it!
This convention and the experience I had there was definitely a testimony to me that nothing is too hard for God, if His hand is in it. It renewed my faith and helped me see the resounding truth that “with God, nothing is impossible.”
Looking forward
I’m eager and excited to return to the Great Homeschool Convention (GHC) in Ohio in April 2024 and hopefully meet a lot of the same vendors and readers I did this year, as well as new readers! 🙂
If you’re experiencing doubts in any area of your life, I hope this helps renew your faith in the Lord, knowing that if God can complete all this in my life, He can undoubtedly complete it in yours, if you ask Him! Keep asking and trusting Him, and let me know how you’ve seen His hand working in your life. I’d love to hear from you. Nothing connects individuals to each other more than hearing how God has worked through each person’s life to teach, to improve, and to renew. I pray that be your story this day, and that in some small way this has been edifying for you.
I inserted some additional pictures from the convention down below for your perusal. Hope you enjoy! And I hope to see you at the convention in-person in 2024!
God bless, and until next time…wishing you many happy pages of reading!
Great homeschool convention vendor pictures