An intro to the author…

I hope you find my website a safe place to lose yourself and explore. My goal is to provide you with clean, adventurous, YA Christian fantasy books filled with mystery, suspense, and a touch of clean romance.
As a former homeschooler, I enjoyed the privilege of a very Classical education, and coming from a highly Celtic family, everything in my life then—and even now—falls under this rich, cultural influence.
From music to literature, my world has been colored by Celtic lore, scenery, décor, and traditions.
From a literature point of view, there’s something enticing and romantic about the medieval, Celtic era in particular. Perhaps it is the lost art of chivalry and elegant fair maidens, sweet romance, excellence of character, the pursuit of one’s highest potential, and the embodiment of virtue that speaks to me most, especially today, amidst a world devoid of such things.
Regardless of the exact reason, it is the elegance, romance, chivalry, and virtue of this bygone era that I hope to capture in my books. I want you to be transported as I was when reading all the romantic, Classical forms of literature growing up. If I have achieved that, in even the smallest of ways, I would consider myself successful.
While I am apprehensive about sharing my heart and soul with you, I have fallen too much in love with the magic and wonder of writing to keep it hidden. And the more I write, the more I realize that one of the most freeing things in the world is the ability to imagine and convey in words what the heart sees, feels, hears, and thinks, and to experience the beauty of finding another soul who embraces the same.
God bless, and I wish you all the joy and happiness of reading, wherever you are.