Random Story Facts for Book 2

Dear Friend,

Random Story Facts for Book 2 is here!

I may or may not have shared that I love medieval…everything! As a result, I’ve always had a penchant for European stories, lifestyle, culture, and, of course, history! Perhaps I was helped out a little with this growing up, since literally half my family hails from Europe and the British Isles. But, in one sense of it, don’t we all? In truth, I’m sure you are just as European as I am, though I may have a little closer connection than most only because my paternal grandmother is actually from Europe and my late paternal grandfather was half Welsh and half English.

I am more distantly connected to Europe and the British Isles through my mother’s family. Her roots follow a strong family line that descends from Scotland and Ireland with a little bit of Austrian thrown in (this latter European blood is from my late maternal grandfather, who very much looked Austrian. Captain Von Trapp from the musical Sound of Music always reminded me of my grandpa…but I think my grandpa was way better looking haha).

(Also another neat side note: my paternal great-grandmother was Welsh and was actually like one of the Downton Abbey servants who stood behind the family’s chairs and had to wait to be called for service. Sad but true. I don’t think anyone really relishes that kind of life, but it is quite interesting to me, historically speaking. Such different lives my ancestors lived. It reminds me I take a lot of what I have today for granted, and I should not).

Why a medieval interest?

I think in part God just genetically wires you to have a deeper interest in one culture and/or history over another. For instance, one of my sisters really loves farmland and rolling hills and country chic. Count me in on that one, too! But if I’m truly honest, my heart is drawn more to deep forest, medieval architecture, the beauty of languages, and the romanticism of knights and fair maidens. All of this speaks more innately to me, and the couple of times I had the extreme privilege of visiting Europe, I felt like I was home. It was strange. I didn’t necessarily want to live there, but I felt like it could be home, if it needed to be.

What does this have to do with random Story Facts for Book 2?

Sharing this actually has a lot to do with this Random Story Facts segment in particular! Why? Because there are a lot of things in Book 2 that I based off of my experiences and travels overseas. Sights and locations and historical places. I’ll share each one as it pertains to Book 2 in my YA medieval Christian fantasy series, In the Shadow of Emerald Fire: The Heir!

Ready to Explore Fact one?

So without further ado…here’s the first official segment of Random Story Facts for Book 2! I hope you enjoy the inspiration behind it as well as the couple of photos I had to share! Have fun!

What did you think? Did you enjoy this first segment of Random Story Facts for Book 2?! I hope so! I have several other things to share! I’m excited for you to see them all. : )

If you’re interested in connecting the Random Story Facts from Book 1 and Book 2 with their respective stories, check out Amazon here, or check out my website store for a bundled deal you won’t want to miss!

Until next time…as always, thank you for visiting with me and sharing part of your day in my corner of the world! God bless! xoxo

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