Editing update on Book 3!

Dear Friend,
This is my first Editing update on Book 3!
How exciting is this?!
I can’t believe that I’m actually talking about Book 3! Such a bittersweet moment…knowing that the conclusion to Finockt’s story is coming about, not wanting it to really end, and yet knowing that her story must end somewhere and somehow!
How do you feel?
How do you feel about Book 3 coming? Too excited to be sad it’s the last one? Or bittersweet, like me?
Haha. I guess I’m too sentimental. Everything touches me in a way that pierces me to the core. I do love Book 3 the most out of the trilogy itself. I mean, I do have a special love for each book individually, each in its own respective way. After all, if I didn’t, I wouldn’t have written it, right?
Blah, blah. Okay, enough of that. Lol. I tend to get a little too melancholy and philosophical at times, which diverts from my true reason for writing you! And that is to share how far I’ve actually made it into Book 3 already!
So, how far Along in the Editing process am I?
Happily, I am already over 25% of the way into Book 3! Which sounds so much better in fraction format…over 1/5th of the way through! Hooray! Or…maybe not…depends on what you like!
In all honesty, the process is going much faster than I anticipated, which is incredible. There was so much that needed tweaked in Books 1 and 2. Book 3 seems to carry its own vibe and is very distinct from its other two counterparts. The majority of the edits I’ve received are changing word choices, omitting some description, and/or clarifying some sections.
Personally, I’m a bit concerned that some of the sentences are long…even for me. Yikes! What does that say? Lol. So, I’m looking forward to printing off the first 18 chapters I have and reading through them with a more critical eye as well as eliminating any further fluff that hasn’t already been cleared away by my editor.
Rereading will be quite a bit of work, I think, but well worth the effort. Aside from this, everything seems in good working order. It was/is of interest to me that the tone of Book 3 changes a bit as the final part of the story progresses. It’ll be interesting to see if you pick up on this as well.
How big is Book 3?
Large, to say the least! I almost could have split the trilogy into 4 books, but, that being said, I don’t think it would have worked well to do so. I’ve never thought it would, simply because the flow of Finockt’s final leg of her journey didn’t allow for a break of any sort. It was a smooth, continuous venture that couldn’t be stopped. Thus, it bloomed into the tome it is: currently 669 pages. I hope you are an eager reader! ; )
What’s next?
I will just continue editing and then rereading the chapters and condensing the story only as need be. I don’t anticipate that you will be able to see anything regarding Book 3’s cover before the end of this year. I mostly anticipate that any type of cover reveal will be shared in the beginning months of 2025! But again, that’s only a guess. Life is crazy, and plans made usually end up broken, revamped, and revised out of necessity. But, rest assured, I’ll keep you updated on everything that happens!
Editing Book 3 update…
That’s it for the editing Book 3 update! This post was definitely short and sweet! I hope it gave you a little sneak peek into what’s been going on with Book 3, and that you are, despite my earlier sentimental references, excited and looking forward to Book 3’s arrival! 🙂
Interested in reading the first 2 books in the series?
Start the adventure with The Lost King’s Daughter, and get caught up in the battle for the throne in The Heir. You may find Book 1-The Lost King’s Daughter and Book 2-The Heir at Amazon or at my store, where you can also bundle and save if you buy the first 2 books in the series together! Check it out!
Until next time, dear friend…I hope you are enjoying the start of a new school year! God bless xoxo