Book 2 Cover in progress!

Book 2 Cover in Progress!
If you haven’t already seen on my Instagram page @adgermanbooks that I officially announced that my Book 2 Cover is in progress, I want to take the time to share that with you now!
And is it GORGEOUS?! YES. YES, it is! Another stunning design by my cover designer, which I’ll reveal in another post when I share with you the cover reveal, most likely in early 2024! That is, unless you’re a part of my newsletter group. Then you’ll see Book 2’s cover reveal this month!! Hint, hint. : ) If you do decide you want to sign up for my newsletter, you can do so here! When the new window opens, just scroll down to the bottom of the page and enter your email address! I’d love to have you join! Now, let’s get back to the book cover process!!
in the beginning
Was Book 2’s cover everything I envisioned?! Um, I have to say a hard no on that only because it wasn’t what I had envisioned. To be honest, it was insanely better! I had two drafts to choose from. At first, I was like, um, no. I definitely don’t like this one (haha, annnd…that “one” would be the one I ended up choosing! More on this in a minute). Yet, at the same time, the draft my cover designer had given me based exactly on what I wanted…yea, it didn’t fit. It was gorgeous, too! Don’t get me wrong! My only complaint, which isn’t really a complaint, is that it just didn’t…work for my story. BUT, on the up side, I could make changes to either cover design. Thus started the process of which cover design to make changes to.
My Choice
I’m an analyzer. So, I studied both drafts to a high extent, comparing and contrasting and scrutinizing all the details I could change and those I couldn’t. I also focused on the end product: what would the cover look like with the changes I wanted inserted there? And–of course–I elicited the assistance of my baby sister and my mom! That always helps! I talked through with them what I wanted, and they in turn shared with me what they felt, as a reader, worked and didn’t work between both drafts, which was so nice to have that feedback. It really helped me narrow down why one draft worked over the other. And I love my choice! The symbolism the designer crafted throughout the book cover design was phenomenal! I couldn’t be happier. The color palette is also stunning!
I think the lesson I continue to learn is this: life may not unfold the way I had planned or I had first envisioned, but don’t fret, dear soul, it’s only the beginning of something way more riveting and beautiful than anything I may have ever imagined! And that’s the “beauty from ashes” part of life, I think.
It’s a lesson, too, that God cares even about the little, silly things in life. Like a book cover. I prayed often over this design, much like I did The Lost King’s Daughter, and He showed His hand in every aspect of it. I realized as I got the various drafts back with the changes I wanted, that the reason this cover was as stunning as Book 1’s was only secondary to the fact that God’s creativity was all over it, right down to the beauty of the symbolism laced throughout the cover. I try to remember Proverbs 16:3: If you entrust all you do to Adonai, your plans will achieve success. God’s promise hasn’t failed me yet.
Looking forward to sharing the “real” deal with you soon! Keep an eye out for more posts this month regarding the cover art progress, and, even more exciting, Book 2’s title reveal–coming in 2024!
Until next time, dear friend, I hope you enjoy the pleasure of many happy hours of being swept away in your favorite novel!