Don't Stress Tip10 of t the Writer's Nook

Don’t Stress Tip#10

Dear Friend, Don’t Stress is my writer’s tip#10! And it’s here for a good reason. The majority of the time, we, as writers, focus so much on progressing the story we’re trying to put to paper or screen, we increase our cortisol levels to a ridiculous degree. What happens when we stress as writers? We…

The Writer's Nook-Dialogue Tip#8

Dialogue Tip#8

Dear Storyteller, Tip#8 is all about Dialogue. I originally didn’t have this tip included in my series of what I wanted to share with you, however, I decided it was important to include-partially because it is a huge part of writing a story but also because it seems to follow up nicely with Tip#7 Meet…

The Writer's Nook-Write from the Heart Tip#6

Write from the heart Tip#6

Dear Storyteller, Write from the heart Tip#6 is as equally important as Tip#2-Daydreaming. Why is writing from the heart so important? Let’s unveil 7 reasons together. Reason #1 Most likely this reason is overly self-explanatory, but when you write from the heart, you’re drawing from an emotional sphere you wouldn’t otherwise tap into. It’s a…

The Writer's Nook Tip#5-Take the Plunge!

Take the Plunge Tip#5

Dear Storyteller, Take the Plunge is Tip#5! Need I say more?! Have you got the previous tips down? Now that you’ve honed your observational and analytical skill sets (Tip#1), you’ve daydreamed your way into an amazing scene (Tip#2), you’ve discovered what person you’d like to start your novel in (Tip#3), and you’ve found your unique…

The Writer's Nook Tip#4-Find your Voice

Find your Voice Tip#4

Dear Storyteller, Find your Voice is Tip#4, and I feel like it’s an important one! Have you ever noticed that your favorite author has a unique “voice” when they write? What does this exactly mean? Let’s discuss it. What exactly is an author’s “voice…” In referencing “finding your voice” in writing, I am not, in…

The Writer's Nook Tip#3-What Person?

What Person? Tip#3

Dear Storyteller, What Person? is Tip#3, and you might very well be asking, what is she even talking about? Let me explain… Once you’ve finalized in your mind that amazing scene or idea (through your incredible daydreaming version of “brainstorming”), and you’re eager to get to the computer or that pad of paper waiting for…

Writer's Nook Tip#2 Daydreaming

Daydream Tip#2

Dear Storyteller, Daydream is Tip#2! A simple tip, but I feel it is an exceptionally important one. Why is it exceptionally important? Come along with me and discover my top two personal reasons why daydreaming is an essential part of commencing your story. Reason Number One… Much like you would utilize brainstorming in your high…