Don't Stress Tip10 of t the Writer's Nook

Don’t Stress Tip#10

Dear Friend, Don’t Stress is my writer’s tip#10! And it’s here for a good reason. The majority of the time, we, as writers, focus so much on progressing the story we’re trying to put to paper or screen, we increase our cortisol levels to a ridiculous degree. What happens when we stress as writers? We…

Merry Christmas 2024

Merry Christmas 2024

Dear Friend, Merry Christmas 2024! Christmas is a time for reflection on all the good that has happened in the past year and for remembering the good that came to us over two millenia ago in the form of a tiny baby. The Christ Child. In a birth so anonymous and yet so publicly displayed,…

The Writer's Nook-Dialogue Tip#8

Dialogue Tip#8

Dear Storyteller, Tip#8 is all about Dialogue. I originally didn’t have this tip included in my series of what I wanted to share with you, however, I decided it was important to include-partially because it is a huge part of writing a story but also because it seems to follow up nicely with Tip#7 Meet…

favorite passage from Chapter 13 of The Heir

Chapter 13-The Heir

Dear Friend, I love this picturesque lead into Chapter 13-The Heir! It’s so riveting! I think I love the flow of whatever that is cascading over the sword. Is it water? Sand? Mist? I honestly don’t even know, but I found it strangely calming and intriguing all at the same time! Skip down to see…

The Writer's Nook-Write from the Heart Tip#6

Write from the heart Tip#6

Dear Storyteller, Write from the heart Tip#6 is as equally important as Tip#2-Daydreaming. Why is writing from the heart so important? Let’s unveil 7 reasons together. Reason #1 Most likely this reason is overly self-explanatory, but when you write from the heart, you’re drawing from an emotional sphere you wouldn’t otherwise tap into. It’s a…