Merry Christmas 2024

Dear Friend,
Merry Christmas 2024!
Christmas is a time for reflection on all the good that has happened in the past year and for remembering the good that came to us over two millenia ago in the form of a tiny baby. The Christ Child.
In a birth so anonymous and yet so publicly displayed, it is oftentimes hard to believe that the King of the universe humbled Himself and came to earth to ultimately fulfill what none of us could on our own: reconciliation with God the Father.
I reflected on all this in a different way this year after listening to a sermonette by Pastor MacArthur called Jesus’s birth in Bethlehem, Part 2. You can find it here, if you’d like to listen to it yourself.
A different perspective on Christ’s birth
In it, Pastor MacArthur described Christ’s birth in a much different light. The inn at which Mary and Joseph would have stayed would have been a two-level, square-shaped building with a central courtyard. In this central courtyard, the animals and the guests’ belongings would have been kept to prevent theft, while all the rooms surrounding the courtyard would have been full.
It was here in this central courtyard, amongst the animals, that Mary would have given birth, perhaps at the age of 13. What courage she must have had to accept God’s plan for her. I couldn’t imagine doing that at 13!
Was Christ’s birth more public than we realized?
MacArthur stated it would have been hard for Mary to have privacy while giving birth to our Savior. She may have had a little privacy, but not much.
It struck me then that while the birth of Christ would have remained unknown to the inhabitants of Bethlehem (He would have been just another little baby), at the same time, it was, in one sense of it, a public event…so to speak.
I was also struck by the fact that no one gave up their room to this poor young Nazarene girl who was about to give birth to her first child. This also plucked a chord within me regarding Scripture’s references that Christ was “rejected by men.”
Although, the inn’s guests wouldn’t have known they were giving their room up to the Christ Child, I thought it was rather sad that no one was willing to give up their room for a young girl in labor.
Does this change your perspective?
All of this gave me a whole new perspective on Christ’s humility. He truly expected nothing from mankind, even at His birth. He truly came to seek and save the lost. His intent wasn’t to bring honor to Himself but to fulfill the Father’s plan of salvation. No other god does that for their followers. No other god expects nothing but belief from those who worship him. But our God exacts nothing from us except repentance and belief on His Son, Jesus Christ, as the propitiation for our sins.
Ultimately, that leads to worship and honor of God and God alone, as well as Christ and the Holy Spirit. A devotion that stems from gratitude for the fulfillment of something we could never accomplish on our own. It truly is beautiful what Christ did for us, and such an amazing outpouring of love, mercy, compassion, and forgiveness, despite how so very ugly humanity can be.
A whole new sense of Merry Christmas…
Now is the perfect time to reflect on this goodness that God sent in the form of His Son, who would pay the sacrifice for our sins, tear the veil in two, and deliver us from evil, rendering us Sons and Daughters of the King. Christ is our Brother, and He is our King-the Creator of the universe-, but these beautiful relationships we have with Him should never overshadow the fact that He deserves all our respect, devotion, and worship in reverence and humility. He delivers us, yes, but we should never take advantage of that fact.
Rather, we should come before the throne in humility, with a grateful heart, thanking God that we now have the permission and ability to pour out our hearts before a loving Father Who wants a relationship with us. Sometimes, this knowledge is unfathomable, and yet it brings such peace and comfort to know that even when the world is a dark and lonely place, there is One Who will fill that empty place in our hearts with all the love, peace, comfort, and joy that only a loving God could give. He’s done it multiple times for me, and for this, I am truly thankful.
How do you feel about this?
I hope this sermonette gave you a different perspective on Christmas this year and gave you something to be even more merry about.
Merry Christmas 2024 Wishes…
Wishing you a beautiful rest of your Christmas with family and friends and that the peace and love of Christ will have new meaning in your life this year!
Merry Christmas 2024 and God bless! xoxo