Coming Soon!

Book 2 Title Reveal Coming Soon!

Dear Friend,

As promised, here’s my news! Book 2’s title reveal is coming soon! Very soon! I hope this isn’t anti-climatic for you, but I’m super excited that Book 2 will finally have a title, so that we no longer have to keep calling Book 2…Book 2! Although, in truth, I may yet refer to it as Book 2, if only due to habit.

If I recall correctly, I believe I also stated I would reveal Book 2’s title in January in an earlier blog post, and I apologize for the delay in its revelation. However, on a good note, this current timeline is actually perfect and sets the tone for my next few blog posts as well as “gets the ball rolling,” so to speak, which is really exciting! I hope you are eager to discover everything that’s coming soon, starting with Book 2’s title! It’s pretty much a whirlwind after that!

So, keep coming back to visit and get all the news first-hand, right here, if you haven’t already signed up for my newsletter! And if you’d like to sign up for my newsletter, but you don’t really want to receive the first 7 chapters of The Lost King’s Daughter in the process, please feel free to email me at and leave me permission to add your email address to my newsletter listing. This way you can receive my monthly letters without all the initial, extra “stuff,” if you wish. : )

Was this announcement everything you were expecting? Or did it throw you for a loop? Are you excited about Book 2’s upcoming title reveal? And do you maybe have a guess what that actually might be?

If the answer to this last question has you completely stumped, please join me on Wednesday,February 7, 2024, for the big reveal! I know many of you do not engage in social media outlets (for very good reasons, and I wholeheartedly support this decision!). Because of this, I will do my best to make my title reveal as interesting and intriguing as possible for you, just in case you don’t have access to (or would prefer not to access) my Instagram page. I am also trying to be a little more present on Facebook, but, if I’m honest, I much prefer corresponding with you here. So, you will find me most active on Instagram and engaging the least on Facebook. And yet all this could be subject to change. I never try to set anything in stone. But again, I much prefer my letters to you here. It is where I feel most at home, and I hope you feel the same.

Until next time, dear friend, thank you for visiting with me, and I pray your evening or morning is full of all the peace and tranquility you need to refresh your soul. God bless.

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