Merry Christmas 2024

Merry Christmas 2024

Dear Friend, Merry Christmas 2024! Christmas is a time for reflection on all the good that has happened in the past year and for remembering the good that came to us over two millenia ago in the form of a tiny baby. The Christ Child. In a birth so anonymous and yet so publicly displayed,…

favorite passage from Chapter 13 of The Heir

Chapter 13-The Heir

Dear Friend, I love this picturesque lead into Chapter 13-The Heir! It’s so riveting! I think I love the flow of whatever that is cascading over the sword. Is it water? Sand? Mist? I honestly don’t even know, but I found it strangely calming and intriguing all at the same time! Skip down to see…

Flash Christmas Sale on Amazon and my Website!

Flash Christmas Sale!

Dear Friend, A flash Christmas sale is upon us! Merry Christmas early! This post is seriously short and sweet. Read on to discover the specifics of everything this flash Christmas sale entails. When is it? This TUESDAY, 12/3! Where is the Flash Sale? AMAZON and my Website store! What does it include? See the great…

Favorite passage from Chapter 8 of The Heir

Chapter 8-The Heir

Dear Friend, Here’s one of my most favorite passages from Chapter 8-The Heir! I absolutely love Finockt and Eilidh’s relationship! So I had to include a passage with both of them in it! Check it out below! Why do I particularly love this passage? I think I love this passage because Eilidh is the sweetest,…

Chapter 7 The Heir-favorite passage

Chapter 7-The Heir

Dear Friend, Here’s another of my favorite passages from Chapter 7-The Heir! Take a peek! Why is this one of my favorite passages? I think this is one of my favorite interactions between Coinneach and Finockt because of the deeper meaning behind their passionate conversation. Both are headstrong in their own right, and they often…

Fall Giveaway Winner!

Fall Giveaway Winner!

Dear Friend, It’s time to announce the Fall Giveaway Winner! I’m excited for this! Ready?! Then scroll down to see who won this year’s autumn giveaway!!! 🙂 Rylie M.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Congratulations! Congratulations to the Fall Giveaway Winner! So glad you won, Rylie! I’ll be in touch shortly. So keep an eye out for an email from…

Fall Giveaway for 2024!

Fall Giveaway!

Happy Autumn, Friend! The Fall Giveaway is here! That means it’s officially October 1st! So let’s celebrate what I personally think is the most wonderful time of the year by jumping into a Fall Giveaway for 2024! There’s nothing better than cozying up by the fire (or on the couch!) on a cold autumn’s night,…

editing update on Book 3

Editing update on Book 3!

Dear Friend, This is my first Editing update on Book 3! How exciting is this?! I can’t believe that I’m actually talking about Book 3! Such a bittersweet moment…knowing that the conclusion to Finockt’s story is coming about, not wanting it to really end, and yet knowing that her story must end somewhere and somehow!…