Book 2 Update…Again :)

Book 2 update…again 🙂
Dear Friend,
In writing this to you, I realize I may be repeating myself a second time, as I have only just recently given you a Book 2 update in the last week or two. However, I could not waylay the feeling that I needed to convey to you my most recent accomplishments regarding the editing stages. I am quite happy to report that I was able to complete a third round of final edits on 6 chapters in one day! It felt good to make more headway in this tedious portion of the editing process, but it is a necessary “evil” of sorts; and I only hope and pray that my efforts and that of my editor make this sequel to The Lost King’s Daughter that much more enjoyable for you!
An even more recent update: I have about 1 chapter left to edit in the entirety of Book 2! After I complete this, it means I will have finally finished my 2nd full round of edits!!! Then I will print off and read about 6 more chapters to complete the final, final 3rd round of edits on these chapters…and then voilá! I’m done!!!! I literally cannot wait! I hope in the very near future I will be sharing with you the final steps I must take before formatting! Much awaits for February!
It has also been on my heart to share with you the fact that this next installment of In the Shadow of Emerald Fire is surprisingly intense! I had forgotten how intense…and yes, I am the one who wrote it. How could I forget? The answer lies unknown, but it is very true that I did. And it was only in the process of editing the latter half of Book 2 that I discovered how intense Finockt’s continuing story actually is. Each scene is quite riveting and yet quite harrowing! Perhaps this intensity is because Book 2 is so full of sword fighting, skirmishes, and battle. It is quite a lot, I must say. But it engrossed even myself. I consider this latter fact a good indicator of the quality of Book 2, since even I, myself, was lost in reading the words on the page. I hope this rings true for you as well. You shall have to let me know when it is released!
I shall bore you no further with my tales of editing! And yet I hope in sharing this short entry with you that it gives you a sneak peek into the adventure that awaits you!
And stay tuned! Wednesday, January 31st, I’d like to make a very brief post of an upcoming event that brings a silly grin to my face!
Until next time…wishing you another peaceful day or night, wherever you may be! God bless xoxo